
Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Meningkatkan skor IELTS Speaking tanpa ngobrol dengan bule (bule=bukan istrinya pakle)

Kuliah ke luar negeri? ambil IELTS, kamu bisa kemana aja kawan. 
Manfaatkan lahan beasiswa tanpa kuota teman, LPDP. Sejauh kamu memenuhi syarat (baca: passing grade) nya LPDP, kamu pasti diterima. 
Kali ini saya akan share metode belajar IELTS speaking terbaik yang pernah saya dan teman saya terapkan. Bagi kamu yang skor IELTSnya di bawah 5 atau 6 dan mengejar skor di atas itu, jangan khawatir kawan, tidak ada salahnya coba diterapkan metode ini. 

Metode ini praktis, tak perlu lawan bicara, kamu bisa belajar sesuka hati selama kamu punya dinding (baca: semua macam dinding, bukan hanya dinding dari kaca/cermin ya) dan beberapa tools yang tentu saja kamu atau orang terdekat kamu punya (smartphone kamu).
IELTS speaking itu unik, belajar ngobrol dengan bule (baca: bukan istrinya pa'le ya) hanya akan meningkatkan tingkat ke-PEDE an kamu berbicara bahasa inggris, tapi tidak akan melonjakkan skor kamu secara signifikan kalau kamu tipe orang yang kurang banyak wawasan kayak saya ini. Maksud saya, kamu perlu familiar dengan berbagai topik yang mungkin ada, sebab pewawancara kamu pegang ratusan topik yang berbeda jadi kamu ga tau akan dapet topik apa.
Dan satu hal yang terpenting di sini kawan: 
kesungguhan, keuletan dan kerja keras.. no pain,no gain.. 
begitu kata guru saya di IEDUC Bandung.. 
So, sebagai yang sudah gagal lebih dari lima kali mengambil IELTS gara-gara kurang sungguh dan ulet, saya sarankan bagi kamu yang pengen betul meningkatkan skor IELTS dan menggapai mimpi kamu, supaya 'tidak ada sehari pun terlewat untuk belajar IELTS, hingga apa? hingga kamu duduk di bangku tes.. bukan.. bukan.. tapi hingga kamu memegang lembar skor IELTS kamu cukup untuk lamar beasiswa dan sekolah idaman kamu..' 
Ayo kita simak cara belajarnya di bawah ini ya kawan.. saya tambahkan juga beberapa pertanyaan yang lazim ditanyakan pas kamu ter IELTS, tak tanggung-tanggung, CUMA 50 pertanyaan dari ratusan kemungkinan pertanyaan yang bakal ditanyain ke kamu..
Cara belajar:
1. Kamu menghadap tembok
2. siapkan smartphone kamu, nyalain recorder.
3. pilih 1 topik
4. Baca 1 pertanyaan, trus jawab.
5. klo dah selesai semua, puter rekaman kamu, cek apakah jawabannya udah bagus. klo masih blum bagus, ulang lagi, rekam ulang.
6. klo udah 3 kali dan belum bagus juga, sediakan waktu 3 menit, bikin rencana jawaban, pikirin jawaban terbaik kamu, tulis di kertas apa aja jawaban terbaik yang mungkin bisa kamu berikan, ga usah dicatet semua kalimat, cukup keyword aja, trus ulangi langkah 4 dan 5.
7. latihan yang rutin, sehari cukup 1 topik aja yang penting rutin.

Topic  1 : Sport
Part 1 :
·         Do you like sports ?
·         What kind of sports you like ?
·         How many  you usually do sports ?
Part 2 :
Describe about your favorite sports . you should say “
·         What type your favorite sports
·         Which the sports do you prefer
·         What are the benefits of playing sports
Part 3 :
  • What types of sports are popular in your country?
  • Do you think the types of sport that are popular will change in the future?
  • how can sports bring people from different countries closer together?

Topic 2 : influence of television
Part 1
·         are you like watching or reading ?
·         what do you usually watch?
·         Do you like watching television ?
Part 2
Tell me about the favourite television program are you usually watching. You should say :
·         what a kind of television program you usually watch
·         how long time you usually watching television
·         what the benefits of watching television
Part 3 :
·         How popular is watching television in your country?
·         Tell me about the types of programme that are generally on television in your country.
·         Why do people like watching television?
·         Do you think state or private television is better?
·         What effects can watching television have on children?

Topic 3 : Foods
Part 1 :
  • Do you enjoy cooking?
  • What type of things can you cook?
  • Do you prefer to eat with other people or on your own? (Why)?
Part 2 :
Describe about the famous food on your country. You should say
·         what the kind of food
·         how to make that food
·         how often you eat that food
Part 3 :
·         How are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past?
·         How healthy is your country’s food?
·         Why do you think different cultures have different table manners?
·         How may eating habits change in coming decades?

Topic 4 : Family
Part 1 :
·         How many people are there in your family?
·         Do you all live in the same house?
·         What things do you like doing together?
·         Who is your favourite family member?

Part 2 :
Describe a child that you know. You should say:
·         Who the child is
·         How you know the child
·         When you see the child
Part 3 :
·         Is family important I your country ?
·         How has the size of the family change in the last fes decades in your country?
·         How do you think the family will change in the future?
·         What role do grandparents play iin the family in your country?
·         Who do you think should be responsible for the care of the elderly, the family or the government?

Topic 5 : Home town
Part 1 :
·         Describe your hometown.
·         What’s special about it?
·         Where is your hometown located?
·         Is it easy to travel around your hometown?
Part 2 :
Describe the famous of your hometown. You should say :
·         What kind is it known for
·         Where you can find it
·         How much the price of it
Part 3 :
·         What are the advantages of living in your hometown?
·         What are some problems faced by your hometown?
·         Compare your hometown with another city.
·         What are some environmental problems faced by your hometown?
Topic 6 : shopping
Part 1 :
·         Do you use the Internet much during the day?
·         What do you usually do on the Internet?
Part 2 :
Describe about shopping online. You should say:
·         How often you do shopping online
·         What do you usually buy
·         How many you spent your money when your shopping online
Part 3 :
·         Do people in your country use the Internet a lot?
·         What advantage of shopping online ?
·         What disadvantages of shopping online ?

Topic 7 : childhood
Part 1 :
  • What type of place is it?
  • What was it like growing up there?
  • Has it changed much since you were a child?
Part 2 :
Describe a happy childhood event. You should say:
·         When it happened
·         Who was involved
·         How you felt at the time
Part 3 :
·         Why childhood is important for us?
·         What changes have you gone through from your childhood?
·         What are the differences between childhood friends and college friends?

Topic 8 : Environment
Part 1 :
·         where do you live?
·         What are some of the nicest things about where you live?
·         Are there any places of special interest I could visit in your home area?
·         What would be the best way for me to get there?
Part 2 :
Describe a problem that affects the environment in the area where you live. You should say:
  • what the problem is
  • what causes it
  • what people feel about the problem
Part 3 :
·         what do you think are the greatest problems facing your country at present?
·         what has been done so far to solve these problems?
·         Do you think things are likely to get better or worse in the future?
·         Is what you are going to study likely to be of any use to solve these problems?

Topic 9 : Read
Part 1:
·          Do you read books? What kinds of books?
·         Did you read books when you were a child? How often?
·         Would you give a book as a gift?
Part 2 :

Describe a magazine that you often read. You should say :

·         What is it
·          What type of people read it
·         Is it popular in your country
Part 3 :
·         Compare reading a newspaper and a magazine.
·         How do people read them? Do they just read the headlines or the entire story?
·         Why do people read magazines?
·          Is reading the newspaper popular in your country?

Topic 10 : Study
Part 1 :
·          After you have taken the lELTS, what are you planning to study?
·         Why are you interested in this?
·         Why do you want to study overseas?
Part 2 :
Describe a course you took in your college or university. You should say:
·         what it was
·         when you took it
·         what you learned from this course
Part 3 :
·         How do you think studying overseas will be different to studying in your own country?
·         So what problems do you think you will have studying abroad?
·         Do you think you will have many difficulties adapting to a new culture?
·         Do you think that there will be any major changes in your field of study over the next few years?
·         What do you intend to do once you have finished your studies?

Topic 11 : Event
Part 1 :
·         Where do you come from?
·         Do you like your country?
·         What do you like about your country?
Part 2 :
Describe an important event in your life. You should say:
·         what is it
·         how old you were then
·         what happened
Part 3 :
·         Is it important to celebrate different events in our lives?
·         Are you a goal-settler?
·         Do you prefer celebrating family occasions at home or in a restaurant?

Topic 12 : Education
Part 1 :
·         Do you have a large family or a small family?
·         How much time do you manage to spend with members of your family?
·         What sorts of things do you like to do together?
·         Do you get on well with your family?
Part 2 :
Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education. You should say:
• where you met him/her.
• what subject he/she taught.
• what was special about him/her.
Part 3 :
·         How has education changed in your country in the last 10 years?
·         What changes do you foresee in the next 50 years?
·         How do the expectations of today’s school leavers compare with those of the previous generation?
·         What method of learning works best for you?

Topic 13 : Travel
Part 1 :
·         How did you reach the examination center?
·         What are the most common types of transportation run on the roads of your town?
·         Which types of transportation do you often use to move?
·         Do you think that new transportation system should be introduced in your city? 
Part 2 :
Describe a historical place that you know about. You should say:
    •  what the place is
    •  where it is located
    •  what is the historical significance of the place
Part 3 :
·         Which city of the world you would like to visit?
·         What will you suggest to a tourist who came to visit your country?
·         How do you compare the country you have visited with your own?

Topic 14 : daily routine
Part 1 :
·         What would you like to change in your daily routine?
·         Are all your days the same?
·         Tell me about your typical weekday and your typical weekend.
·         What is the balance of work/ study and free time in your normal day?

Part 2 :
Describe something you own which is very important to you. You should say:
·         where you got it from
·         how long you have had it
·         what you use it for
part 3 :
·          What kind of possessions show status in your country?
·         Modern society is often called ‘materialistic’. Why do you think this is?
·         Do you think consumerism is a positive or a negative development?

Topic 15 :Television programme
Part 1 :
·         Tell me about the most important watching television in your country.
·         What do you most enjoy about it?
Part 2 :
Describe a film or a TV programme which has made a strong impression on you. You should say:
·         what kind of film or TV programme it was, e.g. comedy
·         when you saw the film or TV programme
·         what the film or TV programme was about
Part 3 :
·         Should films and television be censored or should we be free to choose what we see?
·          How do you think censorship laws will change in the next 20 years?

Topic 16 : Hometown
Part 1  :
·          What would you suggest a visitor should see and do in your country?
·         Are there any traditional arts or music you would recommend?
·         Tell me about the kind of foreign visitors or tourists who go to your country.
·         In what ways has tourism changed your country?
Part 2 :
Describe a memorable event in your life. You should say:
·         when the event took place
·         where the event took place
·         what happened exactly
part 3 :
·         How important are ceremonies in our lives?
·         Do you see the role of private and public ceremonies changing in the future?
·         What sort of national events make headlines in your country?
·          Does the media in your country pay more attention to global or national events?

Topic 17 : education
Part 1 :
·         What kind of school did you go to as a child?
·         Did you go to a co-educational school?
·         What was your favourite subject as a child?
·         Who was your favourite teacher?
Part 2 :
Describe a teacher from your past that you remember. You should say:
·         what class the teacher taught you and how old you were
·         What subject did he teach
·         what the teacher’s special qualities and characteristics were

part 3 :
·         What kind of person makes a good teacher?
·         Why people choose to become teachers?\
·         Do you think education will change in the future? How?
·         How does technology affect education?

Topic 18 : Friends
Part 1 :
·         Are your friends mostly your age or different ages? 
·         Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends? 
·         The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?
·          In what ways are your friends important to you?
Part 2 :
Describe an interesting historic place. You should say:
·         what it is
·         where it is located
·         what you can see there now
part 3 :
·         What type of qualities you prefer to make friends?
·         Do you have many friends? How much time do you spend with friends?

Topic 19 : Job
Part 1 :
·         What do you do?
·         What are your responsibilities?
·         How many hours do you work each day?
·         Do you enjoy your work?
Part 2 :
Describe your favourite news source. You should say:
·         what it is
·         how often you use it
·         what types of news you are interested in
·         what other news sources you use
part 3 :
·          Compare the people's attitude to media between now and the past 20 years?
·         Should we trust the journalists?
·         What do you think what a good journalist should be?

Topic 20 : Electronics
Part 1 :
·         Describe your home.
·         What kind of building do you live in?
·         How long have you lived there?
Part 2 :
Talk about an equipment of your household (such as computer, television, refrigerator, Mobile Phone as so on). You should say:
·         What is it
·         What you do with it
·         Will you always keep it
Part 3 :
·         Could you please explain with some examples about the changes of technology which are used by people in our daily life between now and the past 20 years?
·         Whether those equipment you've ever mentioned in your examples is used in your home?
·         What development the technology will have in the future?

Topic 21 : Home town
Part 1 :
·          Can you describe your home town/ village?
·         What do you like doing in your free time?
·         Are there any new hobbies that you would like to take up?
Part 2 :
Talk about a city you visited and which had impressed you. You should say:
·         where it is situated and why you visited it
·         what you did there
·         what were the attractive part of this city
part 3 :
·         Would you like to live in the city you spoke about?
·         What are the advantages of living in a big city?
·         What are the negative aspects of crowded cities?
·         Why do you think that the architectural design of a city is important?

Topic 22 : Friends
Part 1 :
·         What type of activities do you like to do in your free time?
·         How long have you been interested in these activities?
·         Do you like to do theses activities alone or with other people?
·         Do you think people have enough free time?
Part 2 :
Describe a friend that you really like to spend time with. You should say:
·         When and how you met.
·         How often you see this friend.
·         What kind of personality your friend has.
Part 3 :
·          Is friendship important in your culture?
·          How many close friends can you have?
·         Are friends more important than family?
·         What are the qualities of a good friend?

Topic 23 : Watching
Part 1 :
·         Do you like going out or staying at home?
·         What do you like to do when you go out?
·         How often do you go out?
Part 2 :
Describe a movie you have enjoyed so much You should say:
·         What's the name of the movie
·         what was the central theme of the movie /film
·         When you watched it
Part 3  :
·         What are the differences of watching movies and reading books?
·         Which one is more powerful?
·         Do you like to watch movie staying at home in Television or in a theater?

Topic 24 : Travel
Part 1 :
·         Do you like traveling?
·         How do you usually travel?
·          What kind of places do you like to visit?
Part 2 :
Describe your holidays. You should say :
·         where you go for the holidays
·         how long they last
·         who you go with
Part 3 :
·         What do the people mostly do in their leisure time in your country?
·         What's the difference between holidays today and 5 years ago and the reasons for the change?
·          Do you think people will spend more time on leisure or working in the future?

Topic 25 : Hobby
Part 1 :
·         Do you have any hobbies?
·         What are some of your hobbies?
·         When did you first develop this hobby?
Part 2 :
Describe your favorite photograph. You should say :
·         Where was the photo taken?
·         Who took the photo?
·         What can be seen from the photo?
·         Explain why it is the favorite photograph for you.
Part 3 :
·         How to take good photo?
·         When do people use camera?
·         How can the new technology put cinema’s skill advanced?

Topic 26 : daily activity
Part 1 :
·         What do you often do in evening ?
·         Do you prefer to spend your evenings with family or friends ?
·         What is a popular activity for young people in your country?
Part 2 :
Describe an interesting phone conversation you had with someone. You should say:
·         when you had this discussion.
·         whom you talked to.
·         what it was about.
Part 3 :
·         Which do you use more often – a mobile phone or telephone? Why?
·         Are international phone calls expensive in your country?
·         What is the best way to keep in touch with friends abroad?
Topic 27 : gifts
Part 1 :
·         Where do you live now?
·         Who do you live with?
·         What kind of place do you live in (a house or an apartment?
·         Do you think it’s better to live in a house or an apartment?
Part 2 :
Describe a gift you have received that was important to you.  You should say :
•    who gave it to you and for what occasion
•    what it looks like and how you use it
•    why it is important to you
Part 3 :
·         Do you enjoy giving and receiving gifts?
·          Who usually gives you gifts?
·         Who do you give gifts to?
·         In your country when do people usually give gifts?
Topic 28 : Friend
Part 1 :
·         Describe a friend.
·         How long have you known each other?
·         What do usually do together?
·         What do you like the most about him / her?
·         How often do you see each other?
Part 2 :
Describe a historical figure. You should say:
·         Who is he/she?
·         Why he/she is famous?
·          Do you like him/her or not? Why?
Part 3 :
·         Who are the most influential people in your society?
·         Are there many heroes or role models today?
·         What are the qualities of a good leader?

Topic 29 : Family
Part 1 :
·         What do you like to do together as a family?
·         Do you get along well with your family?
·         Are people in your country generally close to their families?
Part 2 :
Describe a  typical day in your life when you were a child. You should say:
·         Some of the people you saw
·         What you ate.
·         Who looked after you
·         and Say what you most enjoyed doing
part 3  :
·         What is the role of parents in raising children?
·         Has the role changed in recent years?
·         Who is responsible for discipline?

Topic 30 : yourself
Part 1 :
·         Are you happy person?
·         What usually makes you happy?
·         Does he wheather ever affect how you feel ?
·         What makes you unhappy?
Part 2 :
Describe a recent happiest event you had. You should say:
·         What was the event?
·         Why you enjoyed it?
·         Why it was happiest?
·         And explain the whole event.
Part 3  :
·         What moments make other people happy?
·         What moments are happy for elderly?
·         Are rich people happy?

Topic 31 : competition
Part 1 :
·         Do you often read ?
·         What is your avourite kind of book to read ?
·         Do you often read newspaper?
Part 2 :
Describe a competition (or contest) that you have should say :
·         When the competition took place?
·         What you had to do?
·         How well you did it?
·         Describe how you felt about the competition.?
Part 3 :
·         Do you enjoy entering competitions?
·         Have you entered any other competitions?
·         Are there any new hobbies that you would like to take up? Why?

Topic 32 : Gift
Part 1 :
·         What special activities are associated with this festival?
·         What do you enjoy most about this festival?
·         Do you think festivals are important for a society?
Part 2 :
Describe a present which you were given and that you broken accidentally. You should say:
•    what is it
•    for what  occasion it was presented to you
•    how you broken it
Part 3 :
·         Would you agree that presents are always advantageous for people?
·         What kinds of presents are suitable for people in any situations?
·         How do you think the way of giving presents will change in the future? 

Topic 33 : Travel
Part 1 :
·         Do you like to travel?
·         What kind of places have you visited in your life?
·         Which place would you really like to visit? Why?
·         What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?
Part 2 :
Describe a historical place that you know about. you should say :
·         What the place is
·         Where it is located
·         What is the historical meaning of the place

Part 3 :
·         What do you think of the future trend of historic places?
·         Will government strengthen its protection toward historic places?
·         What are the changes brought about by the historic place in local economy, people, etc?
·         What is the effect of tourists on the place?

Topic 34 : read
Part 1 :
·         Do you often use a dictionary?
·         What do you use dictionaries for??
·         What kind of dictionaries do you think are most useful?
·         What kind of information can you find in a dictionary?
Part 2 :
Describe a newspaper or a magazine. you should say :
·         What it is and why you read it
·         What are the benefits of reading a newspaper or a magazine
·         How often you read it and what are the contents of it
Part 3 :
·         What do you think the important qualities for a news reporter?
·         What's the main difference between newspaper and magazine?
·         What’s the function of a report to the society?
·         What kinds of books/newspapers/magazines do adolescents read in your country?
·         With the popularity of Internet, do you think newspapers and magazines will disappear?
Topic 35 : Event
Part 1 :
·          Do you enjoy your birthday?
·         Do you usually celebrate your birthday?
·         What did you do on your last birthday?
·         Do ,ost people celebrate thei birthdaays with a party in your country?
Part 2 :
Describe a party that you have attended. you should say :
·         What party it was
·         Where the party was held
·         Who attended the party
Part 3 :
·         What are the differences between serious party and friendly party?
·         Why are some people late for parties intentionally?
·         Why do some people like party while others hate it?
·         What would you do if the guests feel bored?
·         Will there be more and more people to attend parties?

Topic 36 : Travel
Part 1 :
·         Do you like to travel?
·         What kind of places have you visited in your life?
·         Which place would you really like to visit?
Part 2 :
Describe a hotel you have stayed in. 
·         Where the hotel is
·         Why you stayed at that particular hotel
·         Give details description of the hotel and the view from it

Part 3 :
·         What are some good hotels in your city?
·         What are the difference between staying in a hotel and staying in a relative's house?
·         What qualities make a hotel a good one?

Topic 37 : music
Part 1 :
·         Do you like music?
·         What kind of music do you like?
·         When do you usually listen to music?
·         What kind of music did you like when you were younger?
Part 2 :
Describe a musical event in your country. you should say :
·         What the event it is
·         Where it takes place
·         What kind of music is played
Part 3 :
·         What type music is famous in your country?
·         What are influences of western music in teenagers in your country?
·         Why music is important?
·         Which one is more important: traditional music or western music?

Topic 38 : weather
Part 1 :
·         What’s the weather like in your country?
·         Does the weather affect your mood?
·         How do rainy days make you feel?
·         What’s your favourite season of the year?
Part 2 :
Describe a bad weather experience you have had. you should say :
·         what sort of bad weather it was
·         when it happened
·         where you were when it happened
part 3 :
·         What are the main seasons in your country?
·         What environmental changes have you noticed in your country?
·         What should we do to protect the environmental pollutions?

Topic 39 : shopping
Part 1 :
·         Do you enjoy shopping?
·         Do you have any favourite stores?
·         What don’t you like about shopping?
·         Which is the most popular place to shop in your hometown?
Part 2 :
Describe a shopping center you often go to. you should say :
·         where the shopping center is
·         how often you go there
·         what it looks like
part 3 :
·             Will smaller shops survive in the current business system?
·             What are the characteristics of shopping malls and smaller shops and their difference?
·             What is the trend of future shopping centers?
·             Talk about Internet shopping

Topic 40 : animals
Part 1 :
·         Do you have a pet ?
·         Do you like animal ?
·         What’s your favourite aimal ?
·         What is popular pet to have in your country?
Part 2 :
Describe your favourite animal. you should say :
·         What kind of animal it is
·         Describe it briefly
·         Why you like the animal
Part 3 :
·             What do you need to do to take care of it?
·             What’s the future trend of the animal?
·             How do you think of the poaching of some precious animals such as pandas?

Topic 41 : clothes
Part 1 :
·         What type of clothes do you like to wear?
·         What kind of clothes do people in your country usually wear?
·         How important is fashion to you?
·         What kind of clothes do you dislike?
Part 2 :
Describe your favorite item of clothing. you should say :
·         What it is
·         When you bought it
·         Why you bought it
Part 3 :
·         Do you think people behave differently in different kinds of clothes?
·         What kind of clothes do people wear to work in your country?
·         Are clothes expensive in your country?

Topic 42 : education
Part 1 :
·         What kind of school did you go to as a child?
·         What was your favourite subject as a child ?
·         Who was your favourite teacher?
·         What is the education system like in your country?
·         Do you thinkl your country has an effective education system?
Part 2 :
Describe a practical skill you have. You should say :
·         What the skill is
·         How often you use it
·         Who taught it to you
Part 3 :
·         What’s the most important skill nowdays?
·         Are there any traditional skills in your country?
·         So you think it necessary to learn these skills?
·         Should school respondible for teaching these non-academic courses?

Topic 43 : game
Part 1 :
·         Do you enjoy playing any games?
·         What kind of games do you play?
·         What do children learn from games?
Part 2 :
Describe a game you enjoy playing. You should say :
·         what kind it is
·         who you play it with
·         where you play it
part 3 :
·         What games are popular in your country today?
·         What kind of games were popular when you were young?
·         Do you think mental games like chess are good for you?

Topic 44 : Art
Part 1 :
·         Do you study art?
·         How do you feel about art?
·         What kind of arts are you best at?
·         Do you thinks art is an important part of life?
Part 2 :
Describe a museum or art gallery that you have visited. You should say?
·         Where it is.
·         Why you went there
·         What you particulary remember about that place
Part 3 :
·         Do you enjoy going to museums or arts gallery?
·         Is art important part of your life?
·         Would you like to be an artist yourself?

Topic 45 : Travel
Part 1 :
·         What type of activities do you like to do in your free time?
·         How long have you been interested in these activities?
·         Do you like to do theses activities alone or with other people?
Part 2 :
Describe a lake, a river or a sea you have visited. You should say:
·         Where the lake is
·         How often you have visited it
·         What activities you do there
Part 3 :
·         Is water pollution a problem in your country?
·         What are some of the causes of water pollution?
·         What can individuals do to try and ensure water is kept clean?
·         Do you think problems with the cleanliness of water will improve in the future?

Topic 46 : Travel
Part 1 :
·         Do you ever ride a bicycle?
·         Is cycling popular in your home town?
·         Is it safe to ride a bicycle where you live?
·         Do you think more children should learn to ride bicycles?
Part 2 :
Describe a journey you went on.You Should say:
·         Where did you go on your journey?
·         Why did you got to this particular place?
·         What did you do and with whom?
Part 3 :
·         What are the importance of traveling?
·         What type of places do you recommend people to visit on vacation?
·         What places do you want to visit in future?

Topic 47 : Read
Part 1 :
·         Do you read a newspaper every day?
·         Which sections of the newspaper do you read most often?
·         Do you read newspapers online or in paper format?
·         Do you think that it is important for everyone to read newspapers?
Part 2 :
Describe you favourite magazine. you should say :
·         What it is and why you read it
·         What are the benefits of reading a magazine
·         How often you read it and what are the contents of it
Part 3 :
·         What do you think the important qualities for a news reporter?
·         What's the main difference between newspaper and magazine?
·         What’s the function of a report to the society?
·         What kinds of books/newspapers/magazines do adolescents read in your country?
·         With the popularity of Internet, do you think newspapers and magazines will disappear?

Topic 48 : letter
Part 1 :
·         How often do you use the internet?
·         What are your favourite websites?
·         Would you like to have your own website?
·         Do you think there should be restrictions on what is published on the internet?
Part 2  :
Describe an important letter that you received. you should say:
·         Who wrote it to you
·         What the letter was about
·         How you felt about the letter
Part 3 :
·         What are the difference between email and hand written letters?
·         Will the hand written letters become obsolete in the future? Why?
·         Why should we write letters to friends and relatives?
·         What are the important qualities of a good letter?

Topic 49 : nature
Part 1  :
·         Do you have your own garden?
·         What kind of plants and flowers do you like?
·         Is gardening a popular pastime where you live?
·         What are the advantages of having your own garden?
Part 2 :
Describe a garden you remember visiting. you should say :
·         where it is
·         what it looks like
·         what people do there
Part 3  :
·         what do you think about city farming movement?
·         What do you think about organic product?
·         How do you feel about recycled product?
·         What can we do reduce using the plastic bags?

Topic 50 : transportation
Part 1 :
·         Do you own a car?
·         What is traffic like in your city?
·         Do think people should use cars less?
·         Do you think cars will change in the future?
Part 2  :
Describe an accident you should say :
·         Where the accident occurred
·         Where you were then
·         How the accident affected you
Part 3  :
·         What should be done to reduce the road accident?
·         Who should be responsible for the accidents?

·         What losses do you think occur when an accident happen?

nnb: ini adek gw yg bikin. Inspirasi: Bu Dwi, IEDUC, Bandung. Tempat les yang menentramkan hati dan pikiran. tempat belajar yang asyik dan inspiratif, membuat semangat dan kerja keras.

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