
Monday, 25 August 2014

Introduction to IELTS

This is my first posting on the first day I take IELTS Preparation in IEDUC Bandung. The first lecturer is Bu Dwi. She is a very nice person.

Below is my first note when I take IELTS preparation for my second time in 2014...hehe..

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

After Ramadhan

Ramadhan has gone..
God grants so many prize for all moslem who are doing fasting, night praying, and do good deeds.
For a moslem, this is also a sad moment because they left the month.
On the other hand, this is a happy moment for some people in ied al fithr day. It is because they have win for fighting their bad will along the month.
This is a special month, a will training month, a holy month.
Nobody know will they still alive in the next year and meet the holy month..
A successfull training during this month will make a good man along the rest of months in a year..
May God bless us during and after ramadhan.. And give us another chance to meet again with this month in a better condition in all aspects.